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Intimacy of love with creator


Hello my beloved friends welcome to my page.

These page is for sharing some knowledge about INTIMACY OF LOVE WITH CREATOR.
how we can intimate with creator in his love, 

This topic carries every aspects of our life
how our Body, Soul and Spirit is connected to CREATOR (yahweh).

I hope this page will help us to intimate with creator to some extent.

Abinay Rai

God only created the heaven and the earth even all the things of it . At the end God created man from dust of the ground (Gen-2:7) and given authority in all the things .


In earth we are living in small hut, and when we estimate the size of the universe along with the earth and the stars we cannot imagine how much big it is . But all things were created through God and for him (Col-1:16) .


When we look at the scientist's research on stars, every second 4800 new stars are being born and every day there is 275 millions stars are born .

When we look biblically God has numbered all the stars and given each one its own name (ps-147:4) .


However, before those stars we are like a dusty man but God have graven us upon the palms of his hand(Isa-49:16) .

So, from here we can imagine that how much DEEP INTIMACY is there between Man and God .

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